#206 : Does Your Lead Magnet Match Your Audience?
with Valerie Recore 
headshot of guest Valerie Recore for her "does your lead magnet match your audience" podcast episode

Episode at a Glance

Valerie Recore understands the value of nurturing her audience through weekly emails, but the truth is that her audience is just too darn busy to pay much attention to their inbox. So, Dallas and Valerie brainstorm an alternative nurture strategy designed to meet Valerie’s audience exactly where they’re at.

Key Takeaways

  • Speak to Lived Experiences: Crafting engaging lead magnets requires speaking directly to the pain points and experiences of the target audience, ensuring resonance and connection.
  • Tailored Content: Lead magnets should deliver result-specific content tailored to different audience segments or archetypes, providing value and relevance to each group.
  • Empowering Labels: Utilize empowering labels in quizzes or assessments to guide leads toward solutions while aligning with your coaching curriculum and approach.
  • Intentional Question Design: Questions in the quiz should be carefully crafted to reveal the correct result while helping the audience feel understood and seen in their struggles.
  • Empowering Action: Post-quiz, provide the audience with actionable steps that are tangible and doable, aiming to shift their mindset and spark curiosity about further support.

Timestamps & Key Topics

[00:00] Dallas and Valerie Set Stage for Lead Magnet Discussion
[04:17] Concept of 3 Stages of Awareness and Relationship to Lead Magnets
[10:50] Valerie emphasizes the need for a quick, engaging lead magnet
[12:50] Speaking directly to our audience’s lived experiences.
[17:32] Using a Quiz as a lead magnet tailed to different mom archetypes
[20:56] Using audio-based follow-ups for further engagement
[23:31 Process for designing a quiz lead magnet
[26:48] Brainstorming categories and empowering labels for mom archetypes
[30:42] Design questions around client’s progress pathways
[44:19] Discussion on how audience should feel after taking the quiz
[45:06] Exploring actionable steps based on quiz results
[49:38] Reviewing examples of quiz questions and multiple choice answers
[54:35] Nurturing post-quiz engagement

List building is a major priority for the majority of Hive members this year, so we’re focusing on building easy habits to build your list without feeling overwhelmed. We’d love to welcome up to six new members into The Hive this month and we’ve got a spot with your name on it. You can apply for The HIVE at dallastravers.com/apply.


Valerie Recore
Valerie Recore


Dallas Travers
Dallas Travers

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Episode Highlights

Think Beyond The Inbox: A Fresh Take On Engaging Your Audience

Do you ever worry that your email list hates getting emails?

It’s a valid question, I suppose. Yet, everywhere we turn, we hear how important list building is if you ever want to expand beyond 1:1 coaching. 

But what if your target audience just doesn’t dig email? Maybe they’re the texting kind or just too darn busy to pay much attention to their inbox. That was the case for this episode’s podcast guest.

Valerie Recore helps overwhelmed and overcommitted moms stop feeling pulled in too many directions and start spending quality time with their families and on themselves. 

Valerie’s got a lead magnet she likes, so that’s taken care of. But what she wasn’t totally sure about was whether or not emails are the best way to nurture the list she’s building. 

Today, you’re going to hear us solve Valerie’s email engagement problem by layering in text messaging so that the busy moms on her list can more easily engage with her incredible content. 

I have a feeling that our conversation just might spark some fresh ideas for you

I have a feeling that our conversation just might spark some fresh ideas for you to make a lead magnet to match your audience, so let’s get going…

How Valerie is Changing the Game for Busy Moms

Valerie is on a mission to help busy moms find their balance. She knows the hustle all too well and believes in moving from chaos to quality time without the guilt.

Her secret weapon? A lead magnet designed specifically for busy moms. It’s not just any lead magnet, but one that speaks directly to the heart of mom challenges with solutions that make you go, “Wow, that’s exactly what I needed!” 

Valerie’s approach focuses on guilt-free, actionable solutions that fit into your life. 

Imagine a lead magnet that feels like your best friend who knows exactly what you’re going through and hands you the perfect piece of advice.

Increase Engagement With Easy-to-Answer Questions 

If you want your list to engage with your content, think about asking top-of-mind questions or simple fixes your audience can implement in less than 10 minutes.  They’re like fun, speedy conversations that show you’re not alone in your struggles. 

Valerie and I dive into how a carefully crafted lead magnet can shine a light on your strengths and guide you toward small, manageable steps of change. 

It’s about capturing those day-to-day realities and steering them toward something better. It could be as simple as tracking your time for a week to see where it all goes. 

This isn’t about overhauling your life overnight. It’s about acknowledging where you’re at and taking small steps toward where you want to be.

So, what’s in your trunk? How’s your dishwasher looking? These quirky yet relatable questions can form the basis of a winning quiz that reflects your life. 

Remember, a great lead magnet like this doesn’t have to be perfect from the get-go. It’s about connecting, reflecting, and taking action one step at a time. 

And that’s how you make a lead magnet to match your audience. Watch the full episode.