So you wanna turn this coaching thing into a coaching business? (You’re in luck. That’s totally my jam.)
(You’re in luck. That’s totally my jam.)
“Are you ready?” Blue asked in his calm baritone.
Too nervous to answer, I gave him a thumbs up and braced myself for what was coming…
Then, just like that, I had myself a navel ring. Holy $#!T that hurt. But it was totally worth it. Sort of…
You see, my coworker at the outlet mall, Corina, had a piercing. And she was the epitome of cool.
It’s not like I wanted to be her as much as I wanted to feel like her.
I wanted to feel like I was doing the whole “I’m 18, I’m a grown-up, and I can do whatever I want” thing.
So, jamming a metal rod through my navel seemed like the obvious way to come into my own.
Trouble was that I’m not really a body piercing kind of gal. So my belly button ring was way off from the beginning.
I just felt off.
Not to mention that the damn thing never healed properly so it was always a bit puffy and pink #notagoodlook.
You see, I like turtlenecks and checklists. I listened to Wilson Phillips, not Ani DiFranco.
I’m the kid who planned my outfits a week in advance. Then, labeled them according to the day of the week and hung them neatly in the closet… socks and all.
So, about 7 weeks after my historic appointment with Blue… out came the navel ring. And I never looked back because I didn’t need a piercing to feel like I was holding my own. I’ve always had that spark inside me.
Between you and me, I was never one for fitting in. I saw how fitting in keeps people stuck.
How the urge to be like everybody else blocks us from self trust. It also makes it super hard to find a community where we truly belong.
Fighting the urge to “fit in” is how I built my super successful marketing service for actors which ultimately led to a nearly seven figure coaching business with all the bells and whistles.
“Are you ready?” Blue asked in his calm baritone.
Too nervous to answer, I gave him a thumbs up and braced myself for what was coming…
Then, just like that, I had myself a navel ring. Holy $#!T that hurt. But it was totally worth it. Sort of…
You see, my coworker at the outlet mall, Corina, had a piercing. And she was the epitome of cool.
It’s not like I wanted to be her as much as I wanted to feel like her.
I wanted to feel like I was doing the whole “I’m 18, I’m a grown-up, and I can do whatever I want” thing.
So, jamming a metal rod through my navel seemed like the obvious way to come into my own.
Trouble was that I’m not really a body piercing kind of gal. So my belly button ring was way off from the beginning.
I just felt off.
Not to mention that the damn thing never healed properly so it was always a bit puffy and pink #notagoodlook.
You see, I like turtlenecks and checklists. I listened to Wilson Phillips, not Ani DiFranco.
I’m the kid who planned my outfits a week in advance. Then, labeled them according to the day of the week and hung them neatly in the closet… socks and all.
So, about 7 weeks after my historic appointment with Blue… out came the navel ring. And I never looked back because I didn’t need a piercing to feel like I was holding my own. I’ve always had that spark inside me.
Between you and me, I was never one for fitting in. I saw how fitting in keeps people stuck.
How the urge to be like everybody else blocks us from self trust. It also makes it super hard to find a community where we truly belong.
Fighting the urge to “fit in” is how I built my super successful marketing service for actors which ultimately led to a nearly seven figure coaching business with all the bells and whistles.
“Are you ready?” Blue asked in his calm baritone.
Too nervous to answer, I gave him a thumbs up and braced myself for what was coming…
Then, just like that, I had myself a navel ring. Holy $#!T that hurt. But it was totally worth it. Sort of…
You see, my coworker at the outlet mall, Corina, had a piercing. And she was the epitome of cool.
It’s not like I wanted to be her as much as I wanted to feel like her.
I wanted to feel like I was doing the whole “I’m 18, I’m a grown-up, and I can do whatever I want” thing.
So, jamming a metal rod through my navel seemed like the obvious way to come into my own.
Trouble was that I’m not really a body piercing kind of gal. So my belly button ring was way off from the beginning.
I just felt off.
Not to mention that the damn thing never healed properly so it was always a bit puffy and pink #notagoodlook.
You see, I like turtlenecks and checklists. I listened to Wilson Phillips, not Ani DiFranco.
I’m the kid who planned my outfits a week in advance. Then, labeled them according to the day of the week and hung them neatly in the closet… socks and all.
So, about 7 weeks after my historic appointment with Blue… out came the navel ring. And I never looked back because I didn’t need a piercing to feel like I was holding my own. I’ve always had that spark inside me.
Between you and me, I was never one for fitting in. I saw how fitting in keeps people stuck.
How the urge to be like everybody else blocks us from self trust. It also makes it super hard to find a community where we truly belong.
Fighting the urge to “fit in” is how I built my super successful marketing service for actors which ultimately led to a nearly seven figure coaching business with all the bells and whistles.
From “shiny lights” to shining a light...
After college, I was recruited by a “talent agency” (giant air quotes here) to move down to LA and work for them.
I didn’t know anything about the entertainment industry at all. So it took me several months to realize this was a scam operation.
I knew something was up when I stopped getting paychecks and started getting rolled up $100 bills…
With a rubber band around them…
Delivered by a tall, toothless guy named Bill.
When I finally figured out the sketchiness that was this back-alley-headshot and fake-pepsi-commercial Ponzi scheme, I got the courage to say buh-bye Bill…
…and the idea to start a legit business helping actors find real talent agents.
While it seemed everyone was zigging and scamming talented, vulnerable dreamers left and right.
From “shiny lights” to shining a light…I was zagging, landing them legit agents, and helping them follow a repeatable plan to land more acting gigs. I helped literally thousands of actors land agents and countless more book legit work.
I wrote an award winning book and really knew I was making a difference.

Fast forward a full decade… I became a mom.
That’s when I felt a nudge (okay a giant push) away from the entertainment industry.
By then, I was mentoring several coaches on the down-low. I realized that it was time to say goodbye to all of my beloved actors I was lucky enough to know and commit to helping other coaches build real businesses…just like I had done.
Because too many coaches around me were spinning…
Piece-mealing a marketing strategy together from all the free sh*t they could find online.
Or investing in yet another course about “scaling” that leaves out all the essential foundations that actually make scaling possible.
Just…searching for that ONE THING that would make your business real so you can say, “I finally got this!”
That’s what we do as coaches. If only we had the mentorship to get out of our own way, a roadmap to get there “quicker” (slow is fast around here), and a community that normalizes the roller coaster known as online business.
And that’s why I created The Hive, to help coaches like you help more people – and feel good doing it your way.
It’s that moment when the way you see yourself completely changes because of something you just accomplished. I’ve seen it in my daughter’s eyes when she taught herself to ride a bike and I see it everyday inside The Hive.
“Wait, sorry, who are you again?”
I’m Dallas and I teach values-driven coaches how to find incredible clients, sell with soul, build a strong and loyal list, and launch meaningful programs, so they can make more money, have more freedom, and help more people.
Since 2001, I’ve built three six-figure businesses from scratch. Along the way, I’ve made a ton of mistakes, had some major wins, and learned how to build something that supports my family, causes I care about, and passionate coaches like you.

“Wait, sorry, who are you again?”
I’m Dallas and I teach values-driven coaches how to find incredible clients, sell with soul, build a strong and loyal list, and launch meaningful programs, so they can make more money, have more freedom, and help more people.
Since 2001, I’ve built three six-figure businesses from scratch. Along the way, I’ve made a ton of mistakes, had some major wins, and learned how to build something that supports my family, causes I care about, and passionate coaches like you.
Consistent clients don't happen by accident
My sister charged $10,000 to a zero-interest credit card and lent me every cent so I could launch my first business. It was a marketing service designed to help actors find an agent.
With what felt like 8 million dollars in my pocket, I rented a big office, hired a full time assistant, and printed up some homemade flyers featuring a photo of me doing the splits (oh, how I wish that was a joke!).
My business idea was brilliant, my desire to serve was strong, and I felt certain the phone would ring off the hook from day one.
Oops. I forgot that a good idea and strong desire wasn’t enough. I couldn’t just hope clients would find me. I had to find them.
After two months of thinking about how to find clients without taking action, worrying about paying my sister back, and waiting around my big, beautiful office, I got real. I let my assistant go, locked the office door and hit the streets – literally.
I took those cheesy postcards of mine and hung outside the entrance to Central Casting. Though most people thought I was a little suspect and averted their eyes to avoid me, one actor grabbed a card and called me the next day.
Integrity matters most
I’ve always had a strong work ethic, kept my word and found ways to exceed my clients’ expectations.
No matter how fancy your website, how compelling your marketing or how competitive your pricing, if you can’t deliver on your promises, you won’t keep clients and you won’t easily attract new ones.
This isn’t about being a pleaser or ignoring boundaries. It is about operating from integrity and respecting every lead, like, and prospect as a human being to live the golden rule.
Though this may seem obvious, not every coach out there operates with impeccable integrity. That’s a non-negotiable for me and I hope it is for you too.
This work ethic and Client-Centered Approach served me well back then.
After doing my very best for my one and only client, he soon sang my praises to all of his classmates and suddenly, I had 20 clients.
Trust your gut. Lead with your values.
Fast forward four years: the marketing service had 120 monthly subscribers and I had a few private coaching clients to boot. Plus some ideas for workshops in the pipeline. My business more than paid the bills but I knew something wasn’t quite right.
Sure, I helped a lot of actors find an agent, but was I really helping them?
When my first book The Tao of Show Business came out, I had my answer.
Only three of my 120 marketing service subscribers bought the darn thing. My clients saw me as the marketing lady rather than a resource for inspiration and tools.
Thanks to the marketing service, I’d developed some business strategies that broke the mold for actors and really worked.
Instead of teaching those tools to my clients, though, I did the work for them. I didn’t want to feed actors fish anymore. I wanted to teach them how to fish on their own.
I didn’t know how I’d make up for it financially, but I knew that if I was really going to make a difference, I had to take the leap.
Better yet, I got to help dozens, then hundreds, and eventually thousands of actors take control of their careers.
I followed my heart and I knew I was making a real and lasting impact on my community because of it.
You can do that too. Along your way to six figures, you’ll make a lot of adjustments and you’ll have to take leaps of faith without any net in sight. Exhilarating and terrifying all at once, but when you have a mentor who’s been in your shoes, leaping feels much more possible.
Understand what it really means to scale.
Scaling… it’s such a buzz word in the online space. But what does it really mean?
To grow without feeling hampered.
And if you don’t have the foundations in place, you don’t actually have anything to scale.
But I was ready. With my coaching practice in the mid-six figures, it was high time to hire a team – for real.
And not another intern or a friend in need of extra cash that I could train. I needed to hire a full-blown assistant who already knew how to manage big projects, master online marketing, and take awesome care of my clients.
For the first time, I stopped looking for an assistant to fill an immediate need in my business and hired one who could take my business to the next level.
I feared I couldn’t afford her, but I knew I couldn’t afford to run things without her either.
It did and boy did we scale! I became the leading, most sought-after coach in the industry over the next couple of years.
Together, my assistant and I took my in-person coaching practice online so I could help even more people, launch new programs, and continue to increase my revenue to nearly seven figures per year.
You don't need bells & whistles. You need the ripple effect system.
I know a lot of coaches who ride the entrepreneurial roller coaster. They hit the six-figure mark only to be in the red the following year.
They dream big and start easily, but they don’t follow through. And they’re so excited about the big picture that they forget to build foundations.
Big dreams and hard work matter… a lot. But without clear systems and a measurable plan in place, we all risk burnout. That’s why I’ve always built my coaching businesses out in layers; mastering one offering before jumping to the next idea.
This narrow focus always helped me avoid overwhelm, resist the fast-money hype, and experience consistent and sustainable growth on my own terms.
Which is why we practice the Ripple Effect System inside The Hive. That way, you know your business will thrive for the long haul.
Bigger isn't always better.
As my coaching practice neared the seven-figure mark, my hubby and I decided to start a family. Luckily, I had a great team and lots of habits and infrastructure in place so my business could run pretty much automatically.
Before my daughter was born, my work was my life. My ambition was strong and I had a singular focus. Then, my values changed and I realized that revenue and growth weren’t everything. I wanted a business that reflected my values and supported my lifestyle without dominating my world.
I automated nearly all of the programs I’d developed for actors. I cut my private practice down to two clients and cut my overhead nearly in half so I could work about 18 hours a week and still enjoy a healthy six-figure income.
Inside The Hive, we’ll work together to help you define your own version of success. Then, we’ll build a measurable plan to take you there without compromising what matters most. I won’t lie – there’s work involved. But suffering? Not on my watch.
Always evolve.
After becoming an industry leader and nailing 19 successful launches, other coaches took notice. They began to ask if I could help them leverage their passion and expertise to launch their next big program.
Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, I’ve always listened for clues and taken swift action toward the next phase. If other coaches wanted what I had, I could help them get it. And I could share my creativity and experience in a whole new way.
That’s how The Hive was born. It wasn’t part of my plan, but I’m a coach (aka a growth junkie). So when the opportunity to expand presented itself, I said, “Yes, please and thank you very much!”
Today, I’ve got two fun, fulfilling coaching businesses that serve the world and support my life.
I still give actors marketing and mindset tools through my online programs that I fill through automated marketing funnels.
This frees me up to help other coaches become leaders, change makers, and success stories in their own right. Everyday inside The Hive, we’re helping more people, making more money, and making the world a better place.
I love that work: teaching other coaches how to turn their vision into a compelling and clear brand, fall in love with selling to fill their client rosters with ease, leverage their gifts to create programs, and soar to six figures and beyond.
A little bit about me.
I don’t love nor do I teach sexy, and often stressful mega launch strategies, fancy funnels, or host reel challenges to fill a program – EVER.
I teach what I do. And if I don’t do it. I don’t teach it. That’s exactly how me and the members roll inside The Hive.
We don’t teach fake scarcity or exclusivity. Every application we receive is about getting to know the person and finding the right resources to see them through. Yes, we’ve turned people away. Yes, we’ve told people to come back when they’re ready or try something different. It’s a small tight knit group. Learn more about The Hive here.
This guy. My Soulmate. Bestie. Yogi. Father of ALL the Years.