#189 : Use a Webinar As Your Lead Magnet
with Laverne McKinnon 
headshot of guest Laverne McKinnon for her "use a webinar as your lead magnet" podcast episode

Episode at a Glance

Today’s episode is a little bit like an open Q+A about webinars.  My guest is Laverne McKinnon who helps ambitious, driven people who have hit a speedbump regain momentum so they can achieve their next big goal.

What I appreciate about today’s conversation is that Laverne came in to rethink the idea of a webinar.  

Most of us think of webinars as the sales mechanism we can use to enroll folks into our courses, membership programs or masterminds.  

But Laverne wants to use a webinar as a lead magnet. She came into the session with a list of thoughtful questions and the two of us talk through each one of them in a strategic and creative way. 

In this episode, you’ll learn how to:

  • Gain more leads and grow your coaching business by using webinars as effective lead magnets.
  • Track key metrics to measure the success of your webinars and make informed decisions to improve future events.
  • Use webinars as a powerful tool for building your email list and successfully selling your coaching programs to eager participants.
  • Design your webinars with clear goals in mind, ensuring that every aspect and strategy is aligned to achieve your desired outcomes.

“The best use for a webinar is as a sales mechanism into a scaled offer. But there are so many other potential uses for your webinar or even for a signature talk”. – Dallas Travers

Key Takeaways
Webinars are an effective tool for coaches considering lead generation.

Unlike traditional marketing strategies, they offer an immersive and interactive experience that can captivate your audience.

By focusing on your niche audience’s specific needs, you can position your coaching services more appealingly, effectively increasing your client list and boosting sales in your programs.


Laverne McKinnon
Laverne McKinnon
Dallas Travers
Dallas Travers

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Episode Highlights

Combining VIP Days With Webinar Strategies

Laverne McKinnon helps ambitious, driven people who have hit a speedbump regain momentum so they can achieve their next big goal.

In a jam-packed episode, we dove deep into the truly transformative experience of VIP days. Laverne shared how VIP days helped refine and focus her business, making a huge impact on her clarity and confidence.

Not only did we cover the nuts and bolts of organizing a VIP day, but we also explored how incorporating webinars can significantly boost your business. 

For Laverne, the idea of using a webinar as a lead magnet was exciting, especially as a way to grow her subscriber list and engage potential clients more interactively. We brainstormed strategies to make webinars an effective tool for both visibility and direct client engagement.

From setting a clear agenda to follow-up meetings, our chat laid out a blueprint for using VIP days and webinars to add value and structure to your business efforts. Whether you’re streamlining client work or expanding your reach through engaging online content, these tools are invaluable.

Using A Webinar As Your Lead Magnet

Alright, folks, here’s the skinny on using a webinar as your knockout punch for snagging those email addresses. First off, yes, you can make your webinar evergreen. But let’s not chuck it online and call it a day. The real MVP here is your webinar’s landing page. Nail that, and you’re golden.

Now, if you’re aiming to sell through your webinar, I’d say go live a few times first. Why? Because live webinars can convert like crazy. I mean, we’re talking up to a 25% conversion rate! A pre-recorded one? It drops to around 3%. So, testing it live lets you tweak the energy and ensure it’s not a snooze fest.

But here’s where it gets interesting for you. Since you’re after those precious email addresses, the pressure’s a bit off. Offer it live to your list initially to catch any dull moments or self-indulgent rambles.

Deciding between a live capture or a shiny new recording for your evergreen version? Totally your call. The vibe might just be perfect as is. However, if you opt for a live recording, consider slapping a brief intro on there. Let’s keep it real and not pretend it’s happening right now.

As for the techy stuff, Zoom is my go-to for live webinars. Easy-peasy, familiar, and cuts down on those pesky tech blips. When you’re ready to set your webinar free to live forever, Easy Webinar is a solid bet. Simple, straightforward, and does exactly what it says.

So, keep it authentic, test drive it live, and choose the best format for your evergreen webinar. Remember, it’s all about building that trust and, of course, growing your list.

The Foolproof Webinar Formula: Simplify To Amplify

Let’s talk about why you should focus your marketing on those who can’t wait to work with you, rather than on the fence-sitters. Instead of making eager clients jump through hoops, it’s about creating a smooth path for them right from your webinar.

Imagine this – you’re someone who’s watched a webinar and you’re pumped to get going. You shouldn’t have to solve a puzzle to figure out how to take the next step. So, if you’re presenting a webinar as your lead magnet, here’s a game-changer: the foolproof webinar formula. Teach a bit, drop your offer, and then wrap it up with another great point. Simple, right? But it makes all the difference. Make the offer stand out; it’s not a sneaky P.S. at the end of an email.

We also tackled the classic webinar dilemma: to bonus or not to bonus? Those fast-action bonuses? They’re not the be-all and end-all. In fact, we’re starting to see they might cater to those with more resources, which isn’t exactly fair play. So, if bonuses aren’t your jam, it’s cool to skip them. Or why not offer something unique, like a coaching call that mirrors your process, as a bonus?

I’ll leave you with this nugget of wisdom: market to those who are asking “How do I work with this coach?” rather than “Should I work with this coach?” Trust me, it’s a powerful shift. And remember, you’re offering the transformative experience of working with you – not just a plain old consult. Keep it real and give those eager beavers what they need to take the leap!

Achieve More By Leveraging Existing Strengths

In our chat, we delved into the strategic utilization of lead magnets, emphasizing the importance of setting aside a specific day each week to focus on them. Imagine using Tuesday to consistently promote your various lead magnets like quizzes, workbooks, and especially the “webinar as your lead magnet.” By doing this, every post and story that day would highlight a lead magnet, engaging your audience effectively.

We also discussed the power of your established “moonshot manual,” a fabulous tool for uncovering values. You can leverage your existing audience by encouraging them to share your resources, expanding your reach without additional opt-ins.

Regarding speaking engagements, we explored how pitching your evergreen webinar can significantly enhance visibility. By setting up goals for the number of talks you aim to deliver, you can align this with your strategy to scale your list, essentially 10x-ing your audience without creating new content each time.

This approach not only streamlines your social media strategy but also multiplies your impact by reusing content and expanding through community shares. Plus, embedding this strategy into your overall business plan helps refine and target efforts without the overwhelm of starting from scratch, and optimizing what you already excel at.

Isn’t it wonderful to harness the power of what you already know and direct it with more precision and less grind?

If you’re looking to enhance how you connect and convert your audience, this episode packs a punch with practical insights and inspiring success stories.