#214 : What’s It Really Like Inside The Hive?
with Michelle Pollack and Brian Patacca 
headshot of guests Brian Patacca and Michelle Pollack for their "what it's really like inside the hive" podcast episode


Episode at a Glance

With Hive enrollment open, Dallas invited two long-time members to take over the show to share what it’s really like inside the Hive and give a peek inside their journeys toward thriving, six-figure coaching businesses. 

Key Takeaways

  • Client Surge to Success: Both Michelle and Brian emphasize the dramatic shift in their businesses after joining Dallas’ “Client Surge” program, moving from uncertainty in client acquisition to having a steady, fulfilling stream of clients.
  • Power of Authentic Branding: Understanding and integrating one’s personal brand authentically is crucial, as it not only attracts the right clients but also facilitates genuine connections and sustainable growth.
  • Community and Coaching: The Hive’s community aspect is highlighted as a critical component of success, providing not just strategies and systems, but also peer support and shared learning, which accelerates personal and professional development.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Emphasizing the shift from emotional reactions to strategic decisions based on data, Michelle and Brian discuss how adopting a metrics-focused approach has clarified their business strategies and enhanced their effectiveness.
  • Resilience and Readiness: The conversation highlights the importance of resilience in business. Brian and Michelle touch on the misconceptions about being ‘ready’ and advocate for taking action despite uncertainties, learning from failures, and adjusting strategies as needed.

Timestamps & Key Topics
[01:09] Michelle discusses her breakthroughs in her business from working with Dallas
[04:55] Brian reflects on overcoming resistance and the pivotal moments in his coaching career
[09:16] Michelle and Brian talk about the coaching style and effectiveness of Dallas
[18:25] Brian and Michelle emphasize the supportive community within The Hive
[21:54] Michelle shares the realization of needing to be both a coach and a CEO
[23:54] Brian and Michelle discuss surprising aspects of Dallas
[27:15] Brian and Michelle discuss another benefit of The Hive is learning to use data to determine your success
[31:10] Michelle shares the one tool, strategy or mindset that helped her coaching business
[32:45] Brian shares the one tool, strategy or mindset that helped his coaching business
[34:04] Insights into launching products and learning from the process.
[39:41] Brian shares one piece of sound advice he learned from The Hive
[42:01] Michelle shares one piece of sound advice he learned from The Hive


Michelle Pollack and Brian Patacca
Michelle Pollack and Brian Patacca


Dallas Travers
Dallas Travers

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Episode Highlights

The Heart Of The Hive

In this episode, I’m sharing a conversation between two coaches who are OG Hivers named Brian and Michelle. Their journeys have been so very different, yet equally fulfilling and I think they paint an accurate picture of what it’s like inside The Hive. 

Let me introduce them… Brian Patacca helps actors get what they want without suffering and Michelle Pollack works with high-achieving women to own what they bring to the table and live & lead on their terms.

As you listen, if you feel inspired to take the leap and join us this spring inside The Hive, we’ve got a seat with your name on it. The next step is to visit DallasTravers.com/Hive to apply and schedule a 1:1 call with me. 

You are in for such a treat with this episode as you hear what it’s really like inside the Hive. 

What It’s Really Like Inside The Hive

Picture yourself, future so bright but also kind of a hot mess because, hey, clients are no walk in the park. Then I come along. I’m the coach with a magic wand, turning chaos into dollars – six figures, to be exact.

So, there I was, helping Michelle turn her “ahh!” into “aha!” With a few smart tips, she went from scrambling for clients to full-on queen bee with her client list maxed out. And the icing on the cake? She launched a group course that’s totally her jam.

Then we’ve got Brian. He was playing it safe – too safe. After a little pep talk, boom, he’s out there making courses, and I’m not talking about pennies. We’re talking a $30,000 bonanza in just days.

The Hive’s secret isn’t rocket science. It’s about keeping it real, scaling up without freaking out, and knowing it’s cool to ask for a hand. If you’re stuck or just craving that next level, remember: a right push can turn potential into real-deal success. Inside the Hive it’s real talk, big dreams, and showing you how to boss up without burning out.

Integrity And Innovation

The Hive isn’t just an info dump; it’s real, hands-on coaching. It’s about fitting those big ideas snugly into your life’s puzzle.  

Business smarts meet pure integrity, and progress is about more than just cash. It’s the place where we grow, side by side, tackle hurdles with a chuckle, and wear our hearts on our sleeves.

In a nutshell, the Hive’s about embracing that fine line between being great and doing great. It’s discovering your true pace, dipping your toes into leadership and marketing, and maybe even a crash course in CEO-ship. 

This journey is not a solo mission. We gear up and evolve together, all the while keeping things light, simple, and supportive.

How The Hive Champions Authentic Growth

Inside the Hive, it’s all about jumping into action, whether you feel 100% ready or not. Who says you have to be perfect right out of the gate? Not us.

We’re all about those real steps that lead to big results. And when things don’t go as planned? That’s not failure; it’s our goldmine of learning. Brian nails it when he says chasing perfection is a wild goose chase. The real win is diving in, gathering those insights, and then, stepping up your game.

And Michelle gets it too. Launching into something new can feel daunting, but who cares about perfect numbers? It’s what you learn, the tweaks you make, and how you grow that count. Because here, it’s not about sitting on the sidelines, waiting for a sign. It’s about taking that leap, imperfections and all, and that’s where real growth happens.

Remember, your journey is about embracing every step, even the missteps, with open arms. It’s okay to shake things up, to learn from every experience, and to find your rhythm in the chaos. Because, in the Hive, we thrive on authenticity, not perfection.

If you’re still curious about what it’s really like inside the Hive, watch the full podcast episode now!