#213 : A Strategic Approach to Mini Courses
with Liz Thogerson 
headshot of guest Liz Thogerson for her "a strategic approach to mini courses" podcast episode


Episode at a Glance

Style Coach Liz Thogerson wants to design a suite of low cost, high value mini courses in order to generate extra money as a coach, prepare her audience for her larger offers, and build her list at the same time.  Dallas coaches her with a strategic approach to mini courses – through the process to design and deliver two different  mini courses aligned with Liz’s goals. 

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Target Audience Psychology: Liz’s success in converting leads to paying clients highlights the importance of recognizing that her audience values actionable, transformative content over free resources.
  • Strategic Development of Low-Cost Offers: By reverse-engineering her core programs, Liz plans to create mini-courses focused on practical topics like bras and makeup to provide immediate value and guide clients toward higher-tier programs.
  • Effective Marketing Strategies: Leveraging Instagram content and themed promotional weeks, Liz aims to attract and engage potential clients while seamlessly transitioning them from low-cost offers to higher-value programs, maximizing revenue and client satisfaction.
  • Provide Tangible Wins: Offering mini courses with actionable content helps overcome worth objections by giving clients immediate value and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Strategic Messaging: Tailoring messaging and offers based on audience segments and their specific needs enhances engagement and conversion rates, leading to a more personalized customer experience.

Timestamps & Key Topics

[01:06] Liz shares her remarkable revenue growth since implementing the Ripple Effect system
[02:05] Liz shares her goal of creating more top-of-funnel offers and objectives: revenue generation, preparing clients for higher-tier programs, and list building.
[03:40] Exploring the psychology behind why paid programs are more effective at building an email list than free lead magnets
[08:00] Identifying Liz’s core programs and defining the outcomes for clients
[11:30] Dallas explains difference between belief-oriented approach and action-oriented approach to prepare clients for success
[12:10] Liz and Dallas define an action-oriented approach to prepare her clients for success
[14:00] Brainstorming potential mini-course topics
[19:40] Dallas recommends a key strategy for client success is sell the client what they want, but give them what they need
[20:35] Developing a marketing strategy centered around Instagram content and quarterly themed weeks to promote the mini-courses
[22:53] Strategies to ensure a seamless transition from mini-courses to upselling into higher-tier programs
[32:48] Refining checkout process as well as follow up emails and nurture strategies for those who decline the upsell
[37:42] The benefits of segmenting your audience in your email system
[46:28] Liz and Dallas define action steps and a timeline

Want to see the courses Liz created?  She put this conversation into action and her mini courses are ready for the world.

Makeup Shake Up
Buy a Better Bra


Liz Thogerson
Liz Thogerson


Dallas Travers
Dallas Travers

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Episode Highlights

The Power Of Mini Courses

Liz Thogerson is a style coach whose business has grown exponentially over the last two years. But she can see very clearly that she’s missing opportunities to generate income and serve more people in her community because she doesn’t yet have any low-cost intro programs for folks who may not be quite ready to invest in one of her larger offers. 

So, that’s the project the two of us took on today. Liz came into the conversation with two pretty solid ideas for mini courses. From there, we just made sure that the entire funnel around those courses would serve Liz’s larger goal of enrolling more students into her signature program. 

Crafting Your Mini Course Strategy

Liz’s primary goals? Generate revenue, prep her audience for bigger things, and beef up her email list. She’s noticed a fascinating trend: paid programs, more than freebies, attract folks to her list. It’s a clear signal that her audience is on the lookout for something beyond the free, scattered mess online. They’re eager for a structured journey, a system that promises transformation.

Here’s where a strategic approach to mini courses swings into play. These small, affordable courses could serve as the perfect bridge. They’re not just about making a quick buck; they’re a crucial part of nurturing your audience, providing them with value, and gently guiding them toward your more substantial offers. 

Liz realized that when people invest, even if it’s just a few bucks, they’re more likely to engage and see value in what they’ve purchased. This insight is gold because it underscores the importance of curating offers that resonate with and meet the specific needs of your audience.

So folks, let’s not underestimate the power of affordable offers. They’re not mere fillers in your product line-up. They’re potent tools that can significantly amplify your reach, build a loyal community, and, importantly, help your audience step by step through their journey with you. 

Whether you call them pocket products or mini courses, the essence remains the same: deliver undeniable value and watch your world ripple with impact.

Mini Courses: A Smart Strategy for Big Results

You’ve got to think big picture when expanding your offerings. It’s not just about churning out low-cost products. You need a smart entry point that leads your audience on a journey to your main attractions. 

In essence, it’s about creating mini courses or tools as stepping stones. They’re not just quick sales. These products are the handshake before the hug.

So, let’s not just throw products out there hoping for the best. Let’s design them with purpose and strategy, making each step for our clients clear, accessible, and meaningful.

For those who opt-in for more, each upgrade or membership join trails into a distinct journey tailored just for them. It’s about nurturing new members, guiding the color-clueless, and helping the color experts close their style gaps. It’s all about understanding the architecture of their body and personality beyond hues.

Updating your welcome sequences is the to-do, keeping them fresh and connecting. It’s essential to reverse-engineer these sequences considering what your clients need next and inspiring the beliefs and actions to prep them for success.

We want to avoid getting bogged down in copywriting details. The trick is to add nuanced layers to your messaging effortlessly. Sometimes, it’s as simple as a P.S. in your sales email that acknowledges their steps and makes them feel seen – and that’s where the magic happens. 

After all, it’s the personalized experience that counts, especially in a world oversaturated with free, impersonal advice. So let’s focus on creating experiences that resonate and foster genuine connections.

The Nitty Gritty Of Course Creation And Launching

For the course, creating a timeline is the first step. Mark out your launch dates and figure out the tech aspects first. Ensure your sales pathway or funnel works perfectly before jumping into crafting messages or making the course.

Next, build the course. Fill it with not just learnable stuff, but also ideas and suggestions for ‘what’s next’. And remember to sneak in an offer into the ‘what’s next’ part. Now set up your launch plan with step-by-step deadlines.

Using visual content like Instagram to promote your course helps bring more attention and engagement. Directing your audience to Instagram from your mailing list can pique curiosity and boost sales.

Making sure your welcome sequences are updated and perfect gives your launch a neat start. Avoid building on the go, it’s chaos.

Once set up, you can sell the program effortlessly. Adding a course access link in your social media bio or casually mentioning it in your emails could do the trick.

To further boost your sales, think about running targeted Google ads. 

Simplifying the Path to Mini Course Success

Here’s your lightbulb moment: creating a strategic approach to mini courses isn’t about quantity. It’s about getting your clients to experience a win.

Feeling like you have to be a perfectionist, but also kinda sloppy? That’s okay. The key here isn’t to set the bar sky-high with loads of content but to deliver a simple, impactful win.

Let’s talk about the “worth objection.” Will I make use of this? Do I deserve it? Overcome this by offering something so good, yet so manageable, that anyone can see a clear win. 

A mini course isn’t a place for people to get lost in content binging. It’s a launchpad for action. 

A small yet significant victory makes clients see themselves as capable and deserving. And isn’t that the goal?

So, if you’re wondering how to make this all click, remember less can indeed be more. Focus on action, not just information. 

Watch the full podcast episode and follow along as Liz and I create a strategic approach to mini courses through marketing and setting her up for funnel success.