#203 : Give Your Coaching Offers a Tune-Up
with Amy Behimer 
headshot of guest Amy Behimer for her "give your coaching offers a tune-up" podcast episode


Episode at a Glance

After tuning into the needs and learning style of her dream clients, Amy Behimer is ready to change the shape of her offers to meet her audience where they’re at and provide the best possible value to them.

Key Takeaways

  • Client-Centered Evolution: Amy’s journey reflects the importance of adapting offerings based on client needs and feedback.
  • Integration of Programs: Integrating the Autoimmune Academy into the membership program provides structure and enhances client experience.
  • Continuous Improvement: Embracing a mindset of continuous improvement fosters excellence and client satisfaction.
  • Infrastructure for Growth: Establishing infrastructure for scalability and ongoing improvement supports long-term success.
  • 1-on-1 Connection: Prioritize establishing a personal connection with potential clients through pre-enrollment calls to understand their needs better.
  • Longer Payment Plans: Consider offering longer payment plans to increase business profitability and attract more clients, but be mindful of potential defaults.

Timestamps & Key Topics

[00:00] Introduction and Discussion on Amy’s Journey
[03:19] Challenges Amy is Facing
[10:13] Benefits of being client-centered
[10:43] Dallas and Amy discuss restructuring Amy’s offerings
[16:45] Amy and Dallas discuss payment structure and important of centering the client
[21:44] Dallas reflects on significance of continuous improvement in Amy’s business model
[25:29] Amy’s concerns about meeting client expectations
[28:17] Importance of 1-on-1 connection with clients before they join the program
[29:48] Dallas shares insights on handling payment plans and maintaining integrity
[33:50] Longer payment plans and their impact on business profitability
[40:11] How branding and naming a program affects communication with potential clients


Amy Behimer
Amy Behimer


Dallas Travers
Dallas Travers

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Episode Highlights

Today’s guest is Amy Behimer who helps people with autoimmune disease take control of their health so they can feel better today and worry less about tomorrow.

Amy is such an incredible example of a coach who always strives to center her clients. And over the last little while she’s been tweaking her coaching offers and pricing to determine what will serve her audience the best while still feeding her business. 

She came into our session with a pretty clear idea about the changes she wanted to make to bring back a course and restructure her membership. So the two of us just put our heads together to help her feel confident about the changes she wants to put in place. 

Amy realized a couple of things about her audience: 

  1. A course with a beginning, a middle, and an end is the perfect foundation her clients need to then grow and move forward in a less structured way. 
  2. A membership with a one-time fee is the best container to help folks move forward with enough support yet no pressure. 
  3. So, absorbing her course into her membership made perfect sense for Amy. 

Whether you’re still working with 1:1 clients or you’ve got all sorts of offerings, I invite you to plug into how we both centered the client as we determined the best changes Amy could make in her business. 

As you read along, please ask yourself, when I center my client, what if any changes should I make to the structure of my business? 

From 1:1 Coaching to Membership Mastery

Ever thought about totally shaking up your career? That’s exactly what Amy did. She switched from being a pharmacist to a health coach, all to help people tackle autoimmune diseases. And guess what? She knows this battle firsthand.

Amy started with one-on-one coaching offers but soon realized there was only so much of her to go around. She needs a way to reach more people without burning out. Enter her next big idea: the Autoimmune Academy. This 10-week course is her first step into something bigger, but Amy wants to create a space that is more welcoming and accessible to everyone.

This is where the idea of a membership model came into play. A space where anyone could join, learn at their own pace, and feel part of a community. Sounds great, right? But hold on, memberships have their own challenges, like keeping everyone engaged and tracking progress without the start and end points of a traditional course.

No sweat for Amy. She’s laser-focused on what matters most: her clients. She’s rolling out her course three times a year, complemented by a membership for continuous learning and support. Think of it as coaching, community, and curriculum rolled into one, designed to offer long-term value.

Here’s the cool part: sign up once, and you’re in. You’re part of a community that’s there when you need it, whether you’re diving in deep or just want to brush up on the basics. Amy’s approach allows her clients to grow without the pressure of starting from scratch every time life throws a curveball.

Amy’s shifted from the idea of “lifetime access” to ongoing access, keeping it real and ensuring no one feels left behind if things change. This model means a one-time fee gets you in for an incredible amount of value and support, without the headache of recurring payments.

For Amy, it’s all about finding the perfect balance between creating effective coaching offers and maintaining a sustainable business. And she’s even thinking about adding personalized coaching for those who want to dive deeper.

Amy’s story teaches us an important lesson: being open to change and focused on making a real impact is what truly matters.

Aligning Workshops With Community Building

Amy wants to shift to a more conversation-driven approach, even considering a partnership with doctor’s offices. But how to funnel workshop attendees into her programs? It’s all about the context.

For workshops where Amy’s a guest, she leans towards offering a valuable freebie leading to her marketing funnel. But for her own sessions, the call to action is to apply for her program to see if there’s a match.

Navigating between her “Autoimmune Academy” course and “Club Habit Hub” membership can get tricky. But here’s the scoop: the Academy fits snugly within the broader Club Habit Hub. Amy’s focus? Highlight the Hub and save detailed course talk for later.

Key Takeaways

Amy’s big on making sure her clients feel supported without feeling overwhelmed, and that’s something we can all get behind, right? Her journey to streamline and simplify her business offerings is smart and inspirational.

In this podcast episode, we get into the nitty-gritty and uncover how Amy’s client-first mindset has led to some pretty brilliant changes in her coaching style. 

Are you ready to be inspired and maybe rethink how you do things in your own biz? Trust me, you’re going to want to hear this one.