#195 : Do It Scared in 2024
with Dallas Travers 
headshot of Dallas Travers for her "Do It Scared in 2024" podcast episode


Episode at a Glance

Happy New Year to you! Let’s wrap up 2023 with a transformative process to design your wildly successful year.

This special solo show is designed to do three things…

  1. Take you through the process Hive members follow to plan for the upcoming year. Hive members are all cruising into 2024 feeling grounded and clear about exactly what needs to happen in order to reach their business goals and we’re excited to share the framework with you.
  2. Hold Dallas accountable to her own goals and values by taking you behind the scenes as she evaluates how 2023 went through the lens of her core values.
  3. Create a connection with you, the listener. Dallas shares vulnerably about what was a rather rough year. And she hopes to inspire you about the year ahead by sharing her own vision for 2024.
Timestamps & Key Topics:
  • [00:11] – Introduction to the episode and its three main intentions.
  • [00:48] – Outline of the process to design a wildly successful year.
  • [02:19] – Importance of subscribing to the podcast for support.
  • [03:54] – Acknowledging successes and setting up 2024 schedules.
  • [05:27] – Setting visibility and revenue goals, and creating a cash flow forecast.
  • [07:02] – Differentiating between a forecast and a scorecard for accountability.
  • [09:19] – Benefits of the ‘Wildly Successful Year’ training in the Hive community.
  • [10:53] – Emphasizing the importance of intentional planning.
  • [12:22] – Personal story: Dallas’s family ritual of rose, thorn, and bud.
  • [17:50] – Paying tribute to a lost friend and client, Will Medina.
  • [21:54] – Encouraging listeners to embrace the motto “Do it scared.”
  • [23:48] – Dallas’s personal bud for 2024: embracing a season of expansion.
  • [25:14] – Values audit: How to align your business with your core values.
  • [28:10] – Questions to help identify your personal values.
  • [31:18] – Running a values audit: thriving vs. striving in business.
  • [39:44] – Setting core intentions for 2024 based on values audit.
  • [42:50] – Dallas’s personal commitment to spark in 2024.
  • [44:34] – Closing remarks and invitation to join the Hive community.
Episode Highlights:
  • Designing a Successful Year: Dallas walks through a six-step process including values appraisal, acknowledging successes, scheduling, setting goals, and creating forecasts and scorecards.
  • Values Appraisal: An in-depth discussion on aligning your business practices with personal values. Questions to ask yourself as you uncover your values include:

1. Clarify 1-5 core values you hold and define them. These questions will help you get started:

a. What feelings, qualities or experiences matter most to you?
b. Where are you uncomfortable? Where do things feel stuck? They likely feel stuck because you’re not aligned with your values.
c. When do you get the most lit up? What really moves you?
d. What ticks you off? What irks you?
e. What qualities in others do you most admire and why?

2. Looking through the lens of your business, where are you thriving?

3. And where are you still striving?

  • Personal Stories & Tributes: Dallas shares her personal experiences and a heartfelt tribute to Will Medina, embodying the podcast’s theme of authenticity and vulnerability.
  • Practical Advice: The episode is filled with actionable advice, encouraging listeners to embrace their ambitions and challenges fearlessly.
Resources Mentioned:

The Hive Mentorship Program for Values Driven Coaches: dallastravers.com/hive


Dallas Travers
Dallas Travers

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Episode Highlights

Setting And Tracking Achievable Goals

Today, I’m peeling back the curtain to share our special process for a Wildly Successful Year. We’re getting super grounded and clear about bridging the gap between goals and needed actions.

First up, we appraise our values. It’s critical to know your foundation before leaping into action. Understanding what truly drives you sets the stage for real success.

Next, celebrate your wins. Remember, you can’t build on successes you don’t acknowledge. Whether it was a major revenue boost or a smaller victory, recognizing progress is key. It’s all about seeing the glass half full, not half empty.

We also map out our entire 2024. From timing client surges to scheduling breaks, it was all about plotting our year strategically to maximize productivity and balance.

To tackle our big annual goals, we broke them down into manageable monthly targets. We used a cash flow forecast and a weekly scorecard to keep us on track. These tools aren’t just about setting goals but keeping them in sight and actionable.

So, let’s “do it scared” and dive into 2024 with clear intentions and a solid plan!

Mapping Out Your Wildly Successful Year

Ever laugh at weather forecasts? My daughter finds them hilarious. We rely on them, knowing they’re simply educated guesses – much like setting up for a successful year in business.

Forecasting isn’t about getting it right on the nose every time; it’s about making informed, educated guesses. Just like we check the weather, we draft a revenue and list-building forecast, setting clear intentions and milestones. 

It’s a blend of predictions and taking actionable steps, measured by our trusty scorecard. This scorecard is our accountability buddy, tracking our progress through client attraction, list building, and launching funnels to steer us back on course when needed.

Kicking off with a values appraisal sets the stage. Reflect on what’s rocked, where to amp up, and spell out your dream year, workload, and key events. Then, sharp set your visibility and revenue targets. 

Sketch out a monthly forecast, blending your goals with the schedule. And, crown it with creating a scorecard to keep tabs on actions and minute results, ensuring your forecast is as spot-on as can be. 

This practice anchors us in intention and data over wishful thinking and is the groundwork to foster a thriving, reliable coaching business. 

So, let’s anchor down, acknowledging triumphs and setting the stage for new adventures. I invite you to share your rose (highlight), thorn (challenge), and bud (something you’re looking forward to) as we embrace the process together, stepping boldly into the future, ready to do it scared.

Embracing Courage and Vulnerability

This year, my sister Tracy stepped in as our client success manager, showing off her knack for nailing the details and keeping everything on track. Despite doubting the wisdom of mixing family and business, this turned into an absolute win, bringing us closer and making our work stronger. So, a huge thanks to Tracy for diving into this role with such passion.

Then there’s the adventure of coaching my daughter’s soccer team. Imagine me, not the sporty type, stepping up to coach because no one else would. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, teaching me a ton about leadership and resilience, mirroring so many aspects of running a business. Even in a field dominated by men, the experience was empowering and enriching. It’s a journey I cherish, though I’m still deciding if I’ll do it again.

Reflecting on 2023, I also faced tough times, notably the loss of my dear friend and longtime client, Will Medina. Will’s sudden passing hit hard. He taught me that it’s okay to “do it scared,” embodying courage and vulnerability in equal measures. Will embraced life fully, leaving an indelible mark on those lucky to know him.

So, as we look back, I encourage you to celebrate your roses and acknowledge the thorns of this year. It’s about embracing the whole roller-coaster ride of experiences.

Embrace the Challenge

In memory of Will, let’s embrace the “do it scared” motto. Dive into your big dreams, cherish your friends, live fully – Will would insist on no less!

I’m heading into 2024 primed for a season of growth. After a spell of consolidation, necessary for steadiness, I’m ready to expand with ambition, eager for the unexpected joys and achievements that lie ahead.

Through the lens of personal and business values, perform a thorough values audit. You’ll learn the core threads linking your actions with who you truly are. Remember, these are not aspirations but reflections of your innate self.

Know what values animate your actions, identify dissonances, and celebrate the instances when you’re most alive. What irks you? What traits do you admire in others? Your answers will guide you toward your valued path.

So, honor your true values, for without them, what are your achievements truly worth? Embrace your agency, seek belonging, act with integrity, and ignite that spark within.

Thriving and Striving

Let’s dive into a quick values audit. You’ll define up to five core values and then assess how your business aligns with them – spotting where you’re nailing it and where there’s room to grow.

In my world, belonging is a big win. We’ve poured our hearts into fostering this through events in The Hive that build connections and collaborations. However, we hit a snag with our community forum. Moving away from Facebook to deepen that sense of belonging was a miss. But we’re tackling it head-on – because that’s what you do when you value your tribe.

Agency is another value. We’ve honed a solid process for members needing a program pause, ensuring everyone feels empowered. Yet, when it comes to delegation, it’s a work in progress for me. I’ve had some “oops” moments (sorry, Suzy!) but getting better at this is on my radar.

So take a look at where you’re thriving and don’t be shy to pat yourself on the back. Then, zero in on where you’re striving. Those are your opportunities to grow. Do it scared, but do it with intention.

Chasing Goals

Our Social Impact Exchange Program had a knockout year. We welcomed a fresh group in September and raised the bar on accountability, making sure everyone benefits equally. 

I set out to have 15% of new members join the fellowship, and we nailed it. The crew’s been honing in on solid impact goals – stuff that’s typically tricky to measure. Next year, I’m excited to share how our fellows have rocked their audiences.

On the flip side, the Hive course content update has been my Achilles’ heel. I’ve been dragging my feet, and it’s got me steamed. Yet, I’ve got to fist-bump myself for refreshing all but one. These courses are the real MVPs (my life’s work) and I’m close to wrapping up the last one.

Now, about Spark – this year’s been about shining the spotlight on members’ wins, and they’ve been on fire. I could use an extra dose of that Spark magic next year because I’ve been playing it too safe.

Action steps for 2024, you ask? We’ve got a Hive host to amp up the belonging vibes in our calls, and Shay, our new Chief Belonging Officer, is set to turbocharge our community forums. Can’t wait to see what unfolds, even if it means hopping from Facebook groups to the next big thing.

Then there’s integrity – I’m on a mission to finally update that lingering course. I’ve carved out some must-do time for it, so it’s happening. And to keep the agency shipshape, we’re sticking to weekly team meetings like glue, no more fly-by management from me.

Lastly, I’m getting back to my roots with a pixie cut, hoping to sprinkle some extra Spark into my life.

Alright, time to grab that pen and map your master plan. Listen to the full episode and spotlight your values, share your ups and downs, then make a pact to embrace them, and you know what? Reach out to me – let’s conquer those 2024 goals and, like my buddy Will Medina says, let’s do it scared.