#193 : Unlock and Simplify Your Signature System
with Toya Gavin 
headshot of guest Toya Gavin for her "unlock and simplify your signature system" podcast episode

Episode at a Glance

My guest today is Toya Gavin who helps women of color transition from the jobs they were trained in to the careers they were built for.

When Toya first started coaching she focused on helping women in the law find better jobs, which for Toya felt like a neat and tidy outcome with a nice linear path to follow. 

Now that Toya’s leaning into a deeper purpose, she’s been struggling a bit to articulate what her signature system is. 

Because the journey is different for every client. The obstacles are less obvious and more deeply rooted in our society. 

But, like me, Toya is a very linear thinker. So, we both really wanted to find a way to communicate the layered, nuanced, and extremely important purpose of her work to accomplish three things. 

First, Toya wanted a syllabus so to speak that her clients can check in with in order to track their own progress, understand what might come next, and easily reference tools they’ve learned through coaching. 

Second, Toya wanted a roadmap she can rely on to keep her work, her message, and her marketing organized in her own mind.  Ideally, this roadmap could even turn into the outline of a book one day. 

And lastly, Toya wanted to use her signature system as a marketing tool. So, we had to figure out clear and hooky language to describe her work in a way that wouldn’t diminish it. 

And you know what… I think we got there.  

This episode is sure to go down as one of my favorites, so I hope you’re ready to take some notes. 

I believe that every coach – whether you know it or not – has a signature system. And when you spell it out, that system becomes the cornerstone of your work and your marketing. 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The three essential uses of any Signature System: marketing, content creation, and client success. 
  • How to communicate your Signature System in a linear way even when your process isn’t linear. 
  • How to identify the layers of your signature system. 
  • How your Signature System will simplify your marketing message. 

“You can tell a bigger story with every piece of social content. We’re really only making one point. Anything more than that, and we’re working harder than we need to.”  – Dallas

Key Takeaways

Toya’s mission is to redefine her coaching approach for women of color so that she can communicate it in a clear and compelling way.  Plus generate a roadmap every client will follow on their coaching journey. 

Internalized oppression deeply affects people of color – women in particular which limits their perception of what they can achieve.

My guest today is Toya Gavin who helps women of color transition from the jobs they were trained into the careers they were built for. When Toya first started coaching she focused on helping women in the law find better jobs, but now that Toya’s leaning into a deeper purpose, she’s been struggling a bit to articulate what her signature system is. Because the journey is different for every client. The obstacles are less obvious and more deeply rooted in our society.  But, like me, Toya is a very linear thinker. So, we both really wanted to find a way to communicate the layered, nuanced, and extremely important purpose of her work. And you know what… I think we got there. I believe that every coach – whether you know it or not – has a signature system. And when you spell it out, that system becomes the cornerstone of your work and your marketing.


Toya Gavin
Toya Gavin


Dallas Travers
Dallas Travers

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Episode Highlights

Crafting A Signature System

Toya Gavin and I dove into the evolution of a coaching business, discussing her transition from serving lawyers to empowering women of color. Toya shared insights on developing a new framework that addresses limiting beliefs and the weight of internalized and external oppression. Her focus is to help clients navigate and overcome these challenges to achieve their career aspirations.

In the conversation, we detailed the shift from a linear process aimed at lawyers to an intricate one, representative of an oak tree, with numerous branches and complexities. The goal was to refine this framework into something concise, despite its inherent layers and nuances. 

Toya’s journey highlights the necessity for a signature system that, in her case, aligns with the unique experiences and needs of women of color in the professional sphere.

Shaping Toya’s Signature System

Woke Up Worthy’s approach adapts to each woman’s unique circumstance, particularly addressing the challenges women of color face when pursuing their true desires rather than settling for what they feel is attainable. 

It’s a dynamic, conversational entry point that is more than one-size-fits-all, demanding flexibility and an understanding of each client’s individual starting place in their professional journey.

Part of the journey to empowerment includes picking up tools that may seem a bit “woo woo,” like the Emotional Freedom Technique. But hey, if it works, it works! Now, how to present these without coming across like we’re joining a cult – that’s the challenge.

Then there’s the need for community. Often, strong and independent individuals, especially women of color, don’t open up about struggles. It’s about creating a space for vulnerability and trust, which is easier said than done for someone who thinks as straight as a runway.

And that’s where my thoughts kick in. This isn’t about designing a one-size-fits-all manual. It’s about creating a signature system that helps our clients understand the starting point and helps them get back on track when lost.

Imagine it like this: a Venn diagram of key pillars for our clients. We outline the obstacles, how internalized oppression plays into them, the actions to take, and the practices to anchor these learnings. Simple yet effective.

Picturing this blueprint, we start with internalized oppression at the forefront – no beating around the bush. Everything else unfolds like a ‘choose your own adventure.’ It’s not linear, but it sure is transformative.

Take Jane, for example, a medical professional seeking to address mental health stigma in her field. Her journey with Woke Up Worthy begins like everyone else’s, understanding her context of internalized oppression, and from there, Toya and Jane work together to achieve her aspirations.

Just imagine transforming that kind of energy into something tangible and supportive – a signature system that makes a difference and feels genuinely grounded. That’s what we’re aiming for.

The Power Of Vulnerability And Community

An essential part of our discussion revolves around the power of vulnerability within a community. Toya plans to bring this element into her program, stressing the importance of safe spaces for sharing fears and experiences. It’s about more than achieving goals; it’s about growing together and supporting each other through the process.

Toya touched on how we often overlook our own oppression and how it steals our ability to accept our flaws. But when we get real about our feelings, we start to move through them, and that’s golden.

Now, for the juicy part – we dove into Toya’s signature system. It sparked a lively brainstorm on that ever-elusive step five; you know, the one that’s more than just a virtual high-five session. 

Toya thinks ‘Relationship’ slays ‘Community’ because it’s all about safe spaces. It’s the difference between a shallow ‘like’ and someone who’s there for you at 4 AM when the baby won’t sleep. That’s the vibe we’re after – the one where you’re truly seen and can fully see yourself.

We even stumbled upon the perfect word: Intimacy. It’s about real connections, going deep instead of wide. Toya’s vision is clear – a small, tight-knit group where you grow together, with the kind of bond that only those 4 AM moments can forge.

It’s clear that the fifth step in Toya’s system isn’t just about building relationships; it’s about creating a space of trust and shared experiences – a place where being your authentic self is celebrated and safe. That’s the kind of community we all deserve.

We dove deep into practice ‘relationshiping’, a fun way we’re turning relationships into action – both with yourself and others. In just 44 minutes, we brainstormed the beginning of a unique framework that’s sure to get people excited.

Share Your System With Creativity

Talking about marketing, we explored the concept of internalized oppression and how recognizing it lights up our dream clients. They’re searching for a solution, and that’s where we come in with our signature system.

We also introduced the idea of a contrarian approach to achieving goals, moving away from brute force to understanding and unhooking worth from the outcome. By narrating this journey, we’re helping people see a new, empowering way to reach their goals with Toya’s Woke Up Worthy approach.

The conversation even sparked thoughts on how to creatively present these ideas on websites or through social media, making the content engaging and relatable. 

This podcast episode is a treasure trove for anyone ready to play in the sandbox of content creation with confidence and ease.