#196 : A Flawless Approach To Welcome New Clients
with Nzinga Moore 
headshot of guest Nzinga Moore for her "A Flawless Approach To Welcome New Clients" podcast episode

Episode at a Glance

If you’ve ever had that oh-no moment when a client says YES and you realize you don’t have an easy way to collect payments, you’re not even sure if you should do that before a contract gets signed and speaking of contracts, you don’t even have one in place…

This episode is for you. It first aired way back in 2021 but as we move into a new year, I want you to be fully prepared to welcome in new clients.

Which means you need a rock solid way to onboard them.

In this episode I am spilling the beans about all things onboarding as I take Nzinga Moore through the exact workflow I follow whenever I sign a new client.

I had so much fun walking Nzinga through how to:

  • Set up automatic monthly billing
  • Send a contract after you collect payments
  • Get that first session on the books so your new client doesn’t back out
  • Avoid overwhelming your client with too much prep work
  • Easily track your clients progress without wasting hours writing recap notes
  • If your new client onboarding process isn’t smooth like butter, grab a pen and paper because this episode is right up your alley.

And if you like what you hear and you want to get your hands on all the templates we discuss, you can get on the waitlist at NewClientNowWhat.com

In this episode, you’ll learn to:

  • Optimize your client onboarding process for a personalized and efficient experience.
  • Create a seamless client experience that fosters strong connections and trust.
  • Streamline your client management processes to save time and enhance productivity.
  • Master efficient contract handling and electronic signatures for smoother transactions.

“I want them to feel seen and heard, like they have a teammate.” – Nzinga Moore

Key Takeaways

Optimizing the client onboarding process is fundamental to start relationships right with your clients. This initial stage sets the tone for the entire coaching journey, making it crucial to ensure smoothness and efficiency.

By implementing sound onboarding strategies, coaches not only streamline administrative tasks but also contribute to building clients’ confidence and trust in the program from the outset.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • To join the six figure coach club and access mentorship and training, watch the coach class at watchthecoachclass.com.
  • To get on the waitlist for the New Client Now What program, go to NewClientNowWhat.com and you’ll be notified for upcoming enrollment.


Nzinga Moore
Nzinga Moore


Dallas Travers
Dallas Travers

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Episode Highlights

Nzinga Moore helps creative people heal themselves to manifest wealth and abundance in their lives. In this episode, we dive into how Nzinga can welcome new clients so they feel like they’ve hit the jackpot from day one. 

We’re talking about streamlining your onboarding process to save time and give your clients that warm fuzzy feeling.

Personalized Onboarding Made Simple

Nzinga got a taste of slick onboarding through my program and, let me tell you, it was an eye-opener for her. Now she’s all about making every touchpoint count to really show your clients they’re in good hands.

Make ’em feel held, cared for, and like they just made the smartest decision ever. That’s your target when we talk about how to welcome new clients.

We’re a fan of tech that keeps things simple. Think electronic signatures – no more endless paperwork. It’s a yes from me! And, hey, a welcome email linked to some prep work? That’s how you roll out the red carpet.

Payments? PayPal’s got your back. Subscriptions or full payments, it’s all a breeze.

But wait, there’s more. How about a kickoff call to walk through that prep work? Talk about VIP treatment. Plus, it keeps you both on the same page from the get-go.

Now, I’m a fan of Google Docs and Forms. They’re like that comfy pair of jeans – familiar and easy. Why make things complicated, right? And guess what? A custom Google folder for each client takes the cake. It’s where all the goodness lives: intake forms, contracts, those gold-dust traction reports.

Pro Tip: use a shared Google Doc in sessions. It’s like having your game plan laid out right in front of you. Clients can even update it with their wins before the next session which is a real game changer.

Make your onboarding personal and efficient. This way your clients will feel like rock stars from the start.

Enhance Client Experience and Build Trust

Your mission is to make sure your client service is as top-notch as your coaching. Aim for that onboarding magic – smooth, automatic, yet still super personal.

Every interaction is a chance to reassure clients they’re in the right spot. We’re setting up trust and a big ‘ol welcome mat of support from day one.

Celebrate even the little wins with your clients. Hit the first milestone? Make it a party. First session booked? Roll out the confessional welcome emails – they feel like a hug, clear up any confusion, and make joining a no-brainer.

Let’s toss in some giggles during prep, shall we? A silly question can turn paperwork into playwork. And a kickoff call right after they join? It’s like you’re saying, “Hey, I’ve got your back.”

Lastly, let’s talk about keeping tabs without the chaos – traction reports. Pop them in your shared folder with the newest on top so you’re both in the know, tracking every leap and bound together. 

Transparency, accountability, and a real-feeling connection? Check, check, and check.

Enhancing Your Client’s Journey

In the heart of our chat, Nzinga zeroes in on her client’s needs, and how she helps them smash through those pesky mental blocks. Knowing what your clients face is huge when you gotta welcome new clients the right way.

Then, there’s talk about the onboarding hustle – yeah, it’s tough. Nzinga spills the tea on her own onboarding hurdles. It’s like a heads-up that shaping up your process is key and hey, it’s fine if it’s not second nature.

Adaptability is the name of the game when it comes to personal preferences. Mixing up digital with a hint of old-school paper can make your process snug as a glove for everyone.

And don’t forget those special touches, like snail mail surprises at just the right moment. A postcard here, a handwritten note there – it makes clients feel like rock stars.

Make your clients own their growth with their own notes. It’s empowering.

And that 365-day customer experience game plan? It’s proof of a full-on commitment to making sure clients have a smooth sail every day of the year.

If you need a rock-solid way to welcome new clients, this episode is one you won’t want to miss listening to.