#216 : How To Step Back From Your Business
with Briana Wyatt 
headshot of guest Briana Wyatt for her "how to step back from your business" podcast episode


Episode at a Glance

In this episode, Dallas coaches Briana Wyatt (and you) to develop a plan that allows you to step back from your business without feeling like you’re starting from scratch when you come back.

Key Takeaways

  • Normalize Sabbaticals in Entrepreneurship: Taking a break from your business doesn’t mean losing progress. It’s essential to understand that periods of containment and rest are natural and necessary for long-term growth and sustainability.
  • Creation Without Pressure: Embrace the process of creating and working on projects for the sake of personal fulfillment and growth, rather than immediate business results.
  • Maintain Agency and Flexibility: Even during a sabbatical, maintaining a sense of accomplishment and forward movement is crucial. Set small, attainable goals that align with your values and provide a sense of daily or weekly achievement without overwhelming pressure.
  • Define Personal Success Metrics: Establish clear, personalized metrics to measure success during a sabbatical.
  • Maintain Community and Connection: Engage in activities that foster community and connection without the intent of client attraction.

Timestamps & Key Topics
[00:26] Briana shares what she wants to coaching around
[03:47] Dallas explains the seasons of expansion and containment in a business
[05:32] Dallas shares a personal story about the necessity of containment in business due to unexpected life events
[06:45] Briana reflects on her entrepreneurial journey and the balance between personal life and business
[10:20] Briana shares what a sabbatical to her looks and feels like
[15:00] Briana shares internal obstacles she encounters during a sabbatical
[18:10] Using success metrics to manage obstacles during a sabbatical
[18:36] Discussion on the importance of feeling worthy without client attachment
[24:00] Identifying personal creative expression and setting associated success metrics
[28:34] Measuring self-expression and maintaining visibility as an entrepreneur
[31:28] Discussing practical actions to keep the business alive during the sabbatical
[37:30] Exploring the idea of creating community without business pressures
[38:52] Dallas summarizes the plan for Briana’s sabbatical


Briana Wyatt
Briana Wyatt


Dallas Travers
Dallas Travers

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Episode Highlights

Step Back From Your Business Without Stepping Out

Have you ever just needed to take a break from your business? Whether it’s health issues, a big move to another city, furthering your education, or family stuff, sometimes life might require you to put your coaching business on the back burner.

My guest today is Briana Wyatt who guides ambitious professionals to live more bravely, emboldened by self-trust, self-love, and sacred power. 

Brianna has been going through some major life shifts that require her to step back from her business. And though she knows a sabbatical is in order, she’s worried about feeling like she has to start again from scratch when she is ready to return to her business. 

So, the two of us talked through a process she can use to take to step back from your business while ensuring her business still has a pulse. 

Find Success On Your Own Terms

Life’s like this unpredictable roller coaster, right? One minute you’re up, the next you’re hurtling towards a loop-de-loop of challenges. That’s what Brianna and I dive into. 

It’s about knowing when to take a breather. If you’re fretting about taking a break, it’s okay. Really. 

Taking a step back doesn’t mean giving up. It means regrouping, recharging, and maybe even coming back stronger. Embrace the pause. It might just be the secret to long-term success.

Briana swapped out chasing business goals for weekly self-check-ins on her personal growth. She reminds us that feeling good about where you’re at matters more than any number of clients.

During your break, dare to redefine what makes you successful. Maybe launching a project because it lights a fire in you or keeping some of your creations just for yourself, as milestones of your journey. This break is a chance to feed your creativity, realign your goals, and most importantly, celebrate success on your terms.

Success? Let’s redefine it. Forget traditional benchmarks; it’s all about authentic self-expression now. Questions like “Did I create today?” help keep you anchored in personal fulfillment, not just public recognition.

Throw out the old success playbook. Whether you’re painting San Diego with your colors or finding sparks of genius in your everyday life, seize those moments. It’s your journey, your expression. Own it.

Keep The Buzz Alive During A Break

Taking a break doesn’t mean your business buzz has to fizzle out. I explored how to keep the vibe alive and trust me, it’s possible and fun! 

One of my favorite tricks? A monthly newsletter with zero pressure. Just me sharing life updates, coaching insights, or tales from spontaneous trips. It’s all about staying connected in a chill way, just like catching up with a friend.

I’m totally into dropping into spontaneous Instagram lives too. Whether it’s a meditation session or a quick hello, these unplanned moments help me share my real self and stay aligned with my audience without the pressure of perfection.

The big lesson here? Give yourself the freedom to just be. When you step back from your business, it doesn’t mean stepping out. It means leaning into what feels great and makes you smile. Let’s drop the stress and start enjoying our creative journey!

Balancing Sabbatical And Business Tasks

Here’s the process Briana and I went through together:

  1. Understand the two seasons every business flows between.
  2. Pain a clear picture of what a sabbatical looks + feels like. 
  3. Identify any obstacles that might prevent that picture from becoming reality
  4. Clarify success metrics to manage the obstacles.
  5. Outline small and measurable actions to balance time off with time connected to the business. 

If you’ve ever wanted to step back from your business but you’re worried you’d have to start again from scratch, I think you’ll really enjoy this episode.