Mastermind Day Release of Liability
By signing below, you, the recipient of a Mastermind Day Live Event ticket (hereinafter “you” or “Participant”) agree you are voluntarily choosing to purchase entry into this Event hosted by Sage Creative Inc. (hereinafter “The Company” or “Company”), on the date(s) and at the location(s) noted below, and you agree you are voluntarily entering into a legally binding Agreement with Sage Creative Inc., inclusive of the following terms and conditions mutually agreed upon:
The Client is electing to reserve a ticket to Mastermind Day. (hereinafter “Event”). Once ticket has been reserved, Participant agrees he/she understands no refunds will be given for any reason, including Participant becoming unavailable for Event, absent extenuating circumstances, as decided by Company. In exchange, Company agrees to provide the services outlined below.
General Event Itinerary
Voluntary Participation
Company may provide appropriate food and drinks depending on the length and timing of Event, as Company sees fit throughout the duration of Event; any additional funds spent on food, drinks, or refreshments will not be included in Event, and will be the sole decision and responsibility of Participant.
Participant understands Company will do its best to label any and all food and drink options in order to identify any potential allergens contained in a meal or food item, but cannot guarantee accuracy or completeness of all food warnings. If Participant has any food allergies, intolerances, or special needs involving food or drinks, she will use their own independent judgment to determine if such food and/or drinks are appropriate for their consumption, and will use common sense in making decisions regarding what to consume while at Event. While Company will make a reasonable effort to provide meal and drink options that fit within common dietary restrictions or needs, Participant understands and agrees it may not always be feasible to accommodate every restriction, and there may be certain meals, or certain portions of meals, that will not comply with Participant’s restrictions. Participant understands and agrees that Company is not to be held responsible should Participant have any adverse reaction to foods or drinks while at Event, whether due to a known or unknown cause, whether food was appropriately labeled or not. Participant takes full responsibility for choosing what to eat at Event, if anything, and agrees Company nor any Company employee, owner, affiliate, or contractor is not responsible should Participant experience any sort of health-related issue while at Event.
Risk Acknowledgement and Acceptance
Medical Evaluation
Participant confirms he/she has completed any testing necessary to confirm he/she is medically and physically able to attend Event and takes full responsibility for their physical well-being at Event. If Participant has any health-related restrictions, limitations, is pregnant, disabled in any way, or has recently suffered an illness, injury, or impairment, Participant confirms they have or will consult a personal physician regarding this issue prior to attending Event, and obtain any information regarding how to maintain health while at Event. Company is not liable should any injury or aggravation occur.
Should it be determined at any time during Event that Participant is in need of medical attention, Participant consents to receiving emergency medical care and transportation as deemed appropriate and necessary by medical professionals called to the Event, or on site with the venue. This Release also extends to any liability arising out of or related to any medical treatment provided to Participant, including but not limited to negligent emergency rescue options. Participant confirms that should she sustain any injury requiring medical attention, Company is not liable. Participant agrees to hold Company harmless from any injury or illness sustained, directly or indirectly caused by participation in Event.
Disclaimer / Indemnification
Participant also expressly agrees to indemnity and hold Company and all affiliates, contractors, employees, and owners harmless against any and all claims, demands, damages, rights or causes of action or any person or entity that may arise from injuries or damages sustained by Participant while attending Event. Participant also understands the hosts, speakers, experts, and guests are not necessarily doctors, nurses, lawyers, financial advisers, psychics, licensed therapists, or other similar professionals, (and if they are, Participant understands they are not acting in their capacity as such and are not providing any personalized advice or treatment at Event) and agree to hold Company harmless should any physical, emotional, or financial injury occur as a direct or indirect result of any aspect of Event. Participant confirms he/she is attending voluntarily and confirms any expectations or preconceived notions about Event are purely speculation.
Company is also not to be responsible nor liable if Event is not what Participant expects, or if Participant is subjectively dissatisfied with the Event. Company does it best to accurately and adequately market Event to outline the content, potential benefits, and past attendees’ experiences; however, none of the above guarantees Participant will have the same experiences, same results, or obtain any tangible or financial benefits from Event.
Participant understands that all services provided by Company in connection with the Event are provided on an “as is” basis, meaning it is without any guarantees, representations, or warranties, including but not limited to warranties relating to quality, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or expectation or course of performance. Participant is choosing to attend Event on a purely voluntary basis and does not hold Company responsible should Participant become dissatisfied with any portion of Event. Participant agrees that he/she does not have a cause of action, legal remedy, and is not entitled to a refund should he/she not achieve the results desired following Event.
Earnings Disclaimer: Company does not make any guarantees or assurances regarding a particular financial outcome based on Event attendance, nor is Company responsible for Participant earnings, or any increase or decrease in finances based upon Event attendance. Any information or testimonials regarding past or current clients’ participation in or success after Events are individual, and results may vary.
Dispute Resolution
Photo/Media Release
Participant understands and agrees that Event will likely be filmed, recorded, and/or documented by photographers, media, or other members of the press. Participant understands he/she will likely be videotaped, photographed, or otherwise captured at Event, and consents to same.
Other Event attendees may also have recording devices, including cell phones, laptops, and other means of recording footage, photos, and audio that they may share online via social media applications. Participant understands that attendees are within their rights to do so, and that Participant does not have any expectation of privacy at Event – she understands and agrees she will likely be photographed, videoed, and otherwise seen at Event, whether in the background or forefront of such recordings, and such images or videos may be shared by the person who records them. Company is not responsible for footage, photographs, and any other information obtained by Event attendees and posted on social media, the Internet, and/or other avenues. Participant agrees to fully indemnify and hold harmless Company and any affiliates of Event should any attendee post or broadcast any form of photography or media regarding or including Participant, whether intentional or unintentional. Company is not responsible nor liable for what attendees may post, and Participant agrees he or she is attending Event voluntarily, and assumes any and all such risks of being photographed or otherwise recorded by Event staff, attendees, guest experts, speakers, and/or Company.